[meteorite-list] Thanks for the congratulations

James Baxter jbaxter112 at pol.net
Wed Apr 21 00:34:12 EDT 2010

Thanks to all the list members who sent congratulations. 

Wow! What a rush it is to see that first meteorite ever, especially when it's a fresh fall. After striking out (other than Mike's generous gift of one if his stones) on my one day of looking in West, Texas, I flew out here with some trepidation. I expected to enjoy the thrill of the hunt and to see some pretty countryside but to come away empty handed. I was truly lucky. As Greg pointed out the stones seem to be far more sparse than they were in West. 

I can't thank Mike Farmer enough for his help. He encouraged me when I expressed the crazy idea of coming out in the face of reports of the difficulty of hunting this fall and introduced me to a site where stones had been found and where I could pay a fee to search. 

Jim Baxter

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