[meteorite-list] WKOW Report and UW Geology Museum

mlangen lmlangenfeld at tds.net
Sat Apr 17 23:18:33 EDT 2010

I spoke with UW Geology Museum director Rich Slaughter last night, and he 
told me that WKOW-TV reporters never spoke with him or his staff.  So, he 
assured me that the report's suggestion that hunters are a less-than-honest 
lot didn't come from the museum, even though it could be read that way.  I 
have known Rich for a number of years, and he is a straight shooter.  He was 
disappointed in the station's reportage, too, and offered his apologies to 
anyone who might have been offended.


P.S.  If anyone decides to take a day off from the field, I think the museum 
still has a pretty nice array of meteorites on display (including a few you 
don't see very often) at Weeks Hall on the UW campus in Madison.

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