[meteorite-list] AD - Martian Meteorite Retro Art Display - Less than 4 hours remaining - no reserve, low bidding!

Galactic Stone & Ironworks meteoritemike at gmail.com
Sat Apr 10 12:57:54 EDT 2010

Greetings Collectors and Listees....

I have a Martian meteorite display closing on eBay in less than 4
hours.  The bidding is still very tame at less than $5, so there is
the potential for a bargain here.  Market prices on Martians has been
dropping lately, and anyone who follows the bidding on eBay has surely
noticed this.  So I put a nice little polished "micro-slice" (sliced
off from a macro slice) of DaG 476 shergottite in a Riker box display
with a laser-printed reproduction of a vintage sci-fi theme.  This is
the last planetary display I will be selling on eBay - the remainder
of my stock is only available through my website.

DaG 476 Mars Rock auction link -

Website link  - http://www.galactic-stone.com

Don't forget that all List members (you!) get a 20% discount on all
specimens in my store.  Just use the coupon code "metlist" at checkout
to get the discount. (minimum order $10)

Thanks for looking, happy hunting, and have a great weekend. :)


Mike Gilmer - Galactic Stone & Ironworks Meteorites

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