[meteorite-list] CAI and chondrules

Francesco Moser cojack at tiscali.it
Wed Sep 30 17:37:10 EDT 2009

I take a look on wikipedia about CAI and chondrules, but I have still some 


What prompted the formation of CAI? and what's caused the formation of 
The supernova gave the energy for the formation of CAI and for the collapse 
of the solar nebula?
Some other energy source, still unknow, 2 million years later molten the 
material which formed the chondrules? But wich type of energy source?

Is correct this time line?

1) supernova
2) few time later CAI formation
3) at the same time collapse of nebula
4) 2My later condrule formation
5) at the same time proto-sun and proto-planetary formation
6) ...

Thanks a lot!

Best regards!

Francesco Moser
IMCA #1510 

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