[meteorite-list] smoke ring

Paul G. Spears pgspears at cox.net
Wed Sep 30 13:52:45 EDT 2009

Hi, Listees:
Marco wrote: That actually does look like the real deal (*if* the 
photographs belong to the
report and are not generic footage): a sunlit wind-blown dust trail left by 

Living in Flagstaff, Arizona, around 1962-1963, I saw a huge smoke ring (2-3 
miles in diameter??), moving from west to east, north of the city at a very 
high altitude, but no tail was evident.  Never saw an official explanation 
of the ring, but wonder now if this may have been an explosion similar to 
the one in Marco's link.  Does anyone have any info on that event?  The date 
of the smoke ring was well after Holbrook, Gold Basin, and Franconia it 
appears, so has a fall been recorded in northwest Arizona area around 
1962/1963 that could have generated that ring?

Just curious.  The size of the ring and the way it retained its 
configuration as it drifted east made me think it was extremely high and 
extremely unusual.   A local man claimed he was hunting west of Flagstaff 
and saw a group of angels accelerate upward at an impossible rate causing an 
updraft that carried moisture into the stratosphere and condensed into the 
ring.  You gotta believe an eyewitness, right?
Keep looking up,

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