[meteorite-list] Bugs In Space!

JoshuaTreeMuseum joshuatreemuseum at embarqmail.com
Wed Sep 16 11:11:21 EDT 2009

G'day, Konnichiwa, Aloha, Top 'o the morning to ya!:

Microbes from outer space living in the upper atmosphere and bacteria living 
for millions of years! If I only had more time to read junk science!

Phil Whitmer

Hi listees,

Some interesting reading...

"...To test if meteorites might protect bacteria on their journey
through space, Horneck and her colleagues mixed samples of 50 million
spores with particles of clay, red sandstone, Martian meteorite, or
simulated Martian soil and made small lumps a centimeter in diameter.
Between 10,000 and 100,000 spores of the original 50 million survived
and when mixed with red sandstone, nearly all survived, suggesting that
even meteorites a centimeter in diameter can carry life from one planet
to another, if they completed the journey within a few years. In a rock
a meter across, bacteria could probably survive for millions of years...."

Still don't believe? 

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