[meteorite-list] Thanksgiving AD

E.P. Grondine epgrondine at yahoo.com
Sat Nov 28 15:13:13 EST 2009

Hi all - 

This being Thanksgiving, it seemed an appropriate time to repeat my standard offer to meteorite list members of personally signed copies of my book "Man and Impact in the Americas" for $20 plus $5 shipping US, or plus $15 shipping overseas. Sorry, but due to hacker attacks I was never able to do paypal, so if you can not get $US dollars the only option is to pay amazon $35 plus shipping.

As most of the impacts were cometary, the book is not a field hunting guide. (Sorry about that - but then if asteroid impacts had of shown up we'd all be out hunting them now.) For that matter, much Native American meteorite lore had to be left out of it for reasons of length. The book features hundreds of pages of too small type, not enough pictures, and entirely too many typos. On the other hand, it is the only comprehensive catalogue of impacts in the Americas, and provides the peoples memories of these, as well as being the only reliable pre-contact history for the eastern peoples.

The book is also a great gift for any friends you may have of Native American heritage.

E.P. Grondine
Man and Impact in the Americas

E.P. Grondine
Man and Impact in the Americas


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