[meteorite-list] Carolina Bays

E.P. Grondine epgrondine at yahoo.com
Mon Nov 16 20:15:39 EST 2009

Hi Paul - 

"In my opinion, as far as the Carolina Bays are concerned,
they are a nothing more than a time-consuming red herring
of gigantic proportions. Even if the Carolina Bays are impact
features of some sort, they clearly are much too old be
connected in anyway with a Younger Dryas event."

In this case, I would think that the thing to do would be to look for another Kitscoty type structure indicating impact with an ice sheet.

In his most recent summary, Firestone showed another set of what he views as secondary impact craters, but these with a different directional foci, i.l. from a different impact.

Otto Muck was probably the person most responsible for popularizing the notion of the Carolina Bays as impact structures, but he saw them as the result of an mega-tsunami from an impact in the Atlantic Ocean.

Myself, I am still waiting for the USGS cores from the Carolinas. 

E.P. Grondine
Man and Impact in the Americas


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