[meteorite-list] Guide to "Newbies" (was Meteorite & Competition)

al mitt almitt at kconline.com
Mon Nov 16 09:03:32 EST 2009

Hi Gary and all,

If listee's read about the Port Orford Meteorite Mystery by Roy S. Clarke 
and Plokin they should also read the article in Meteorite Magazine, May 2007 
by Doug Borgard.

Borgard covers a lot of items that I have maintained about the Port Orford 
Meteorite over the years and shows many of the flaws that are in the Port 
Orford Meteorite Mystery. I didn't necessarly agree as much with the second 
part as much as I did with the first part but it is another view on the Port 
Orford Meteorite which I view as real.

Here are my views expressed back in 2007 about his article:

In the May issue of Meteorite Magazine, there is an excellent article
about the Port Orford Meteorite by Doug Borgard. Doug relates many of
the issues I have brought up over the last several years in regards to
the official Publication that it was a hoax. While it may have been a
hoax, I think that Doug's article has exonerated John Evans, who I feel
did his part and was an innocent party to this allege hoax.

There is a second part that will be published in the August issue of
Meteorite. Don't know what Doug will say but if he has found some of the
same material that a friend of mine who research this very thoroughly,
there may be reference to Jackson who in my opinion had been unfairly
treated at that time. He was undermined by those he hired and lost a job
from the government. It is my believe that he had reasons to plant the
imilac in place of the newly found Port Orford pieces. Perhaps he wanted
to search, recover, or find this for himself and sell it to the
government to make them pay. There is certainly a motive here. There are
other scenarios also.

In this article I believe that the real truth of the matter is
brilliantly argued, mistakes by writers of the "John Evans and the Port
Orford Meteorite Hoax" are cut to the bone and that a better explanation
is given. One of the mistakes the investigator made was being on the
wrong mountain. No wonder they didn't find anything. While I maintain
this still could be a hoax, I in no way believe that John Evans had
anything to do with that and better research was needed to explain
things than was done.

I look forward to the next installment of Doug's article.

--AL Mitterling

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Gary Fujihara" <fujmon at mac.com>
To: "Dennis Miller" <astroroks at hotmail.com>
Cc: <meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com>; <impactika at aol.com>
Sent: Sunday, November 15, 2009 11:32 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Guide to "Newbies" (wasMeteorites & 

> Aloha Dennis, Anne, listees,

The Port Orford, Oregon Meteorite Mystery, Roy S Clarke, 1993 Smithsonian 
Press, 42 pg
Great story of an even greater hoax

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