[meteorite-list] Reed Family Project

David Deyarmin bobadebt at ec.rr.com
Sun Nov 15 19:52:32 EST 2009

I hope it is okay to post this.

Below is the story of young police officer that needs our help.

If you are so inclined to send a small donation I will accept them via my 
PayPal account at bobadebt at ec.rr.com

If you send a donation please put  "Reed Family Project" in the subject line

I tried to set up a separate account with Paypal but there is so much red 
tape that it would be very difficult and time consuming.  I will withdraw 
and deposit all money received into a bank account that was set up for the 
this project. Mitchell Village Wachovia in Morehead City is the Bank that 
has the account. I will provide full financial accounting updates to this 

Thank you.

Here is a copy of the email explain officer Reeds situation.


The Morehead City police department, along with help from the community, is 
in the process of helping one of their own officers.  This young officer is 
in desperate need of our help.  In the past two years he has not only lost 
his father but his brother, grandmother, uncle, mother and a new born baby, 
which passed away in his arms.  As losing those loved ones weren't enough he 
has yet more to deal with.  This young man has a four month old son that 
suffers from a severe medical condition.  The baby suffers from a stomach 
issue that prevents him from eating.  He has to have special formula that is 
administered thru a feeding tube in the babies' nose.  Even with this 
formula the baby weighs less then 9 lbs and must be seen by a doctor in 
Greenville several times a week.  While attempting to deal with the passing 
of family members and the caring of loved ones he has had to put some things 
on the back burner. One of the things that have been neglected is his home. 
He currently lives in a small mobile home with no heat and very little room. 
The family has to do their cooking on a hot plate because they have no 
stove.  His five year old son sleeps in a closet with room enough for a 
small bed.  When the wind blows one can feel the air pass thru the walls. 
On top of the many problems with the living conditions, the family has no 
furniture. In fact to put it bluntly the family has nothing.   This is where 
the police department is trying to help.  We have found a newer trailer, 
which still needs a small amount of work but is more suitable for the 
families needs.   But like anything else there are still hurdles that must 
be cleared. The biggest of these is money.  This is why we are calling on 
Gods community to help us meet this need along with the families needs.  We 
are accepting donations of both monetary and prayer in this effort.  We 
understand times are tough for everyone but if God lays it on your heart 
please help us in this mission.

Larry Stoneroad 252 241-3818
lstoneroad at embarqmail.com

Nick Stoneroad 252 241-5788

Thank You and God Bless
Larry Stoneroad 

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