[meteorite-list] Meteorites in your Carry-On Luggage

Adam Hupe raremeteorites at yahoo.com
Sat Nov 14 13:54:08 EST 2009

I rememember before 9-11, Mike Farmer lugging the ~100 Lbs main mass of the Fredericksburg Hexahedrite thorough several airports.  He carried it on from Alaska and stored it in an overhead bin where it rolled around. Imagine if this would have bonked somebody on the head when opening the luggage compartment! He then dragged this "Ball-and-Chain" in the Seattle airport before deciding to put in in a airport locker.   These were the good old days when you could check over 500 Lbs of luggage if you were nice to customs agents on international flights. Now, you would be lucky to check 75 Lbs and carry on more than 20 lbs.

I remember a suitcase full of meteorites that weighed in excess of 270 pounds being dragged through an international airport.  The handle broke off in the Customs agents hand when he was trying to assist. He was not amused as he skinned his knuckles and threw out his back. 

Best Regards,


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