[meteorite-list] Daule Ecuador Fall Recovered

Jose Villavicencio jose118 at hotmail.com
Thu Nov 5 15:41:12 EST 2009

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Well it looks like you can't understand spanish=2C or even you can't unders=
tand the content of a video or the contect of Mike's page.=20
It fell over a year ago=2C it is true. And the day after the picture was re=
aleased one piece was recovered=2C and took by the government. The other on=
e was took by a farmer (NO MIKE=2C a real rice farmer). So it is not that w=
e were waiting for someone to recover it. There is a third piece that accor=
ding to people fell on a river...If you are talking about recovering and go=
ing to Ecuador to "recover meteorites"=2C where is it??...
All what Mike and Hans did was ask and purchase a meteorite=2C you can read=
 on Mike's page more details about that. And well I didn't say that the rui=
ned my studies=2C I just said that they took out an inspiration for my stud=
ies=2C which is totally different.=20
HAHAHA!!!...It looks like you can teach me how to be a Walmart Greeter=2C b=
ut no thanks I really have a great job on my field. Well in pay for that=2C=
 I can teach you how planes work and how a rocket can travel far far away f=
rom you.=20
You can say that I'm getting too dramatic=2C but now I understand why Argen=
tina has created new meteorite fall's laws. When you heard that the only re=
gistered meteorite of your country was taken out (I was thinking that Mike =
took the two pieces=2C but now I know that he only has one of them)=2C you =
can feel like part of your country's history has been taken out. Didn't you=
 feel the same kind of emotions when 9/11 ocurred???...And you can say me=
=2C well it is completely different. And I will say to you=2C no it's not. =
Just for the simple reason that part of what you and me called history has =
been taken.
I'm happy for Mike and Hans too=2C I can say that they took a lucky shoot t=
his time=2C and yes=2C CONGRATS!!!. And again please read the links and Mik=
e's page before making any comment=2C you can clearly read that a recovery =
was not made=2C or well not what I called recovery (make camp field studies=
 and explorations in order to find meteorites never before taken): "Stone #=
2 weighed 6=2C580 grams=2C and was 100% complete. It was seen to fall just =
outside of a house in a rice paddy=2C where it punched at least half a mete=
r into the wet mud=2C then bounced out of the hole ending up nearly 3 meter=
s away. The finder hid the stone in his house=2C afraid that the police wou=
ld confiscate the stone as that happened to a boy nearby who found the firs=
t stone. The press and military came to the area=2C and scared the locals. =
He kept this stone=2C un-cleaned=2C in his house for the next year and a ha=
lf until Hans arrived to the house=2C led by the boy who found the first st=
Jose 		 	   		 =20
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