[meteorite-list] ebay questions

Brian Cox searchingforfun at sbcglobal.net
Wed Nov 4 19:52:24 EST 2009

Hi Michael,

Yes, the ebay stock answers started about a month ago, I don't have the 
exact date, but you get that list of all the stock questions and their 
answers, BUT if you click "Other" at the bottom of that list, then it allows 
you to send a personal message question to the seller. That supposedly is 
another of ebay's amazing methods of improving service. a.k.a. "Making more 
money and profit from sellers and buyers!" This is (as I have heard it from 
people more in tune with ebay than I) in response to so many sellers 
complaining to ebay that they were getting too many questions and didn't 
have time to list, so ebay thought that they would put all those stock 
questions and answers in just like every other website that has FAQs so that 
sellers didn't get so many questions. Again, if the person clicks on "other" 
at the bottom you can write a personal message to the ebay member. Hope this 


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