[meteorite-list] So that's what everyone is bent out of shape over?

Mike Gilmer meteoritemike at gmail.com
Mon Mar 30 10:03:18 EDT 2009

Re : Proud Tom hullabulloo (not hula hoop)

After reading on the list about the fourth horseman of the apocalypse
known as Proud Tom, I wanted to see what had everyone's collective
undershorts were in a wad.  So I emailed Mr. Blood and asked for a
copy of Proud Tom's PDF.

First, judging for the over-reactions on the list, I expected
Photoshopped lewdness, full frontal nudity, sexual situations, war
crimes, and Gilbert Gottfried.

Instead, what I saw was a file full of sardonic, sarcastic, parody of
a bunch of people I don't know from Adam. (not hula hoop)

I will be the first to say, in public, - GET OVER IT.

Proud Tom is nothing to get excited about.  It's not the end of our
hobby.  And it's certainly no worse than some of the resin-dipped
paperweight/suncatcher abominations I have seen for sale by some
members of the meteorite community.

If people want to get up in arms over something, then stop people from
turning meteorites into gaudy trinkets or gold plating Gibeon slices
until they look like something that should
be hanging around Flavor-Flav's neck.

I've been offended by a couple of things in the meteorite world since
I started out, but
Proud Tom is not one of them.

Now, if I was Matteo or Chicago Steve, then I might be a little offended.  ;)

And what is all of this talk about the 3 Stooges?  They were pioneers
of slapstick stage
comedy.  The 3 Stooges enriched my childhood and gave me early
valuable lessons about
not getting poked in the eye with a finger.  Anyone who says bad
things about the Stooges,
is also saying bad things about me, since I have always considered
myself the lost 5th
Stooge.  (more obscure than the 4th Stooge)

If new collectors and new personalities to the meteorite scene see
Proud Tom, will it
reflect poorly on our hobby/field?  No more so than -

1) the atmosphere of paranoia in our hobby
2) the backbiting and two-faced behavior by some in our hobby
3) people cheapening meteorites as a whole by making disrespectful
trinkets out of them.

Why isn't everyone bent out of shape over those 3 things, which are surely more
destructive to this hobby than the 5 year old comedic rants of some
unknown parodist?

Jeez Louise.


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