[meteorite-list] Dealers, Sellers: Please INSURE your shipments

Aubrey Whymark tektites at googlemail.com
Tue Jun 2 15:31:03 EDT 2009

I am always careful about declaring a meteorite - it makes it tempting
to steal. 'Mineral specimen for research' is accurate and yet far less
tempting to steal. Also I prefer not to declare the full value. When I
have stuff sent to the Philippines I like a low value as again it
reduces the risk of theft (although I have never experienced a
problem). The main problem I have is that if a high value is declared
then I have to pay import duties, and various other taxes and post
office expenses that basically convert a bargain ebay purchase into
very expense deal - almost to the point that it's not worth picking
up, due to the expense. I once bought $120 of tektites and then had to
pay $60 to the post office to get them!


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