[meteorite-list] Fairly odd meteorites...

Eric Wichman eric at meteoritewatch.com
Sat Feb 7 14:58:21 EST 2009

Hi all,

I cut a few more pieces. and one really looks rather interesting. It 
actually has some sort of oily residue "inside" or appearing to come 
from within the stone. No, this is not oil from my saw blade, or from my 
hands. This residue was within the stone, and seems to be seeping out. 
eeeew... Maybe alien slime, or some horendous disease for which we have 
no cure? :) lol

Anyway it's an odd piece. There are two others in this gallery as well. 
An NWA 869 with a gorgeous chondrule staring out at you. and a super 
duper wonderfully crusted piece with the most beautiful patina you could 
wish for. Oh and that last piece is super thumbprinted too!


Let me know what you think that oily residue is?


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