[meteorite-list] Limits of science

E.P. Grondine epgrondine at yahoo.com
Mon Aug 31 12:06:24 EDT 2009

Hi Phil - 

"Science can only take you so far.  It's fine for predicting when comets will appear, ..."

Actually, the NASA budget for spotting new incoming comets is as near $0 as their managment can make it - you see, comets don't hit, according to Morrison et al.

One limit to science is money. We are still waiting some 5 years for USGS cores from the Carolinas with impact mega-tsunami data. 

Further, money for the geological and archaeological study of recent impact is near $0.

Now I don't know how you describe this mindset, and the social mechanism. 

As far as the increase in the stupdity level in the US, it comes from Kempton. Really. Write me for a copy of "Amazing Stories". Stupditiy is actually a well organized industry.

E.P. Grondine
Man and Impact in the Americas


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