[meteorite-list] Alien Contact Predicted

Mr EMan mstreman53 at yahoo.com
Tue Aug 25 04:13:52 EDT 2009

The corollary--I ask because they obviously have confederates (if not actual members themselves) on this list-- maybe they can bring us a Mercury sample?  Maybe Venus? Phobos?  Demos? Saturn ring tektites?

I have some glass beads, tin mirrors, iron hatchets to swap.  (It worked once before thought it might be worth a try).

I agree that even 20 -100 years is unlikely unless we accidentally encounter them in distress, I can't imagine any advanced culture with even the slightest knowledge of our history feeling contact with us as a prudent step in their own history! Ask any surviving indigneous person on any contintent.

Of course my dog is arguing that it is already occurred only we are too dim to recognize it.  He does this all the time and what does he know? He has not been to college and hasn't read but half the books I have!


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