[meteorite-list] Alien Contact Predicted

Bob King nightsky55 at gmail.com
Mon Aug 24 14:27:55 EDT 2009

Hi Phil and friends,
Absence of evidence doesn't imply evidence of absence. While I tend to
be skeptical about such things, I think bacteria-like creatures might
be fairly common in the galaxy. Evolution would cause them to
diversity and perhaps find the same pathway to multicelluarity like
life on Earth did so long ago. Once you've got a multicellular
organism, the sky's the limit. In time larger life forms would thrive,
each adapted to and very intelligent in its particular environment.
Whether or not they get to making spaceships, I think the odds are
much smaller but not zero. It took life on this planet over 3 billion
years to create a spacefaring species. If we could have seen the
earliest life forms as they wriggled among the rocks, who would have
guessed we'd be where we are today? So I think it's possible there are
intelligent, space-roaming species out there, just not a lot of them.

On Mon, Aug 24, 2009 at 11:17 AM, Phil Whitmer<prairiecactus at rtcol.com> wrote:
> Eric:
> It's my belief that We Are Alone!  There's nobody out there.  Life and
> intelligence is a singularity, a miracle, call it what you will, it only
> happened once, here on good old Planet Earth. We are the Seed that will
> spread throughout the Universe by Space Migration.  It's our manifest
> destiny and a matter of survival.  Nobody knows how or why it happened, it
> just did. It was either God or chance, take your pick.  There are those who
> claim otherwise, but they have yet to provide even the thinnest shred of
> evidence.  Those who make extraordinary claims must provide some
> extraordinary evidence to back it up.  And they never do! Not one person
> abducted by ETs has ever grabbed  an alien cellphone or anything else to
> prove they were aboard an intergalactic space ship.
> The argument for aliens goes something like this: "Well there's billions and
> billions of galaxies, one of them has to harbor life. It just has to! You
> know,   a billion monkeys typing for a billion years, and one of them writes
> a Shakespearean Sonnet or the Book of Genesis, whatever. I think they will
> just type gibberish for eternity. Life doesn't just pop up all over the
> place. It can never be created in the laboratory. It's impossible to make
> live stuff out of dead stuff! (Except for that one time.)
> This argument puts a lot of faith in Chance and the Laws of Probability.
> Might as well say Yahweh or Brahma did it.  Evolution guided by chance and
> probability, how is that any different from chaos and total randomness?
> And why do the aliens always appear in trailer parks and never at Houston
> Control, NAU,  or the JPL?
> Now if I could see one bit of hard evidence, I would change my mind in a
> minute.
> Just my dos pesos,
> Phil Whitmer
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