[meteorite-list] Belgian Fireball of 15AUG09 update

GeoZay at aol.com GeoZay at aol.com
Fri Aug 21 15:16:21 EDT 2009

>>The bolide is definitely  not  linked to Perseids. 
General direction of this bolide is from East  to West, reported on map.  
Witnesses observed it at different position  in the sky, depending of 
>From the Netherland, the  bolide was observed  on south horizon. 
>From  Center of France, the  bolide was observed to  north  horizon.  
>From Belgium and  north of France, the bolide as observed at various 
position in the sky, from  South to North; East to West.. and also from North to 
South... The  declinaison  is  variable:  from zenith to horizon according  
various locations. 

All witnesses describe the bolide as a fire  ball with sensible visible  
diameter. Magnitude approx is -10
The  bolide  had a very little trail,  maximum 4 to 6 time the size of  
"fire head". Very quickely, it explodes in two fragments.   The little  
fragment has been  vaporized in atmosphere.  The second (and  bigger)  explode at 
the end of  trajectory in  multiple   fragments in a nice green/yellow/red 
color. After the second explosion, only one  little green fragment was 
observed following the trajectory.  The light  "turn off"  very sudenly, without 
evolution on yellow or red  color.

The speed was extremely  slow,  more quickly than  an airplane, but very 
slow than an classic shooting  star.

Well Vincent...it doesn't  sound like a Perseid to me either. 
George Zay  

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