[meteorite-list] Science comprehension: state of affiars-OT

Mr EMan mstreman53 at yahoo.com
Fri Aug 14 22:22:04 EDT 2009

For a pastime I occasionally help answer questions on Yahoo Ask!. Most are by lazy, late, approaching deadline, homework assistance requests --but It helps me keep a finger on the pulse of education and learning amongst today's adolescents.  Occasionally there are the "navel contemplatives" but those who are truly stumped by the real world and are looking for a legitimate answer. Here is an example destined for the annals of "most astonishing".


This one is too amazing to not share:
Why do we have north and south poles?
..i want to know... i couldnt find the answer anywhere.

Actual given ANSWERS: One is satire and one is just plain hilarious.

a. When they tried to have East and West poles, the weather got really screwed up, and we had an ice age, or icee age.
Everybody got cold, and they voted to put the poles on the North and South after the civil war was done with them.
Now we have something called greenhuose gases, so they're sending all the blondes away to the East and West poles again.

You won't notice a difference except for where the sun goes up and down.
Oh yeah, and the tides. And we're going to lose the moon this time for sure.

But I'm just guessing.
b. ....I think we do have North. I don't know if we have South.

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