[meteorite-list] Perseids Tonight, "Meteorite Men" videos on Science site, Top 10 Meteorites

Notkin geoking at notkin.net
Wed Aug 12 21:53:18 EDT 2009

Carl posted:

> Those short videos are Awsome. I actually have the Meteorite Men on  
> my DVR and have watched  it several times  . . . .  Is there a  
> reason you are not selling it on  video yet?

Dear Carl:

Thank you for those very kind comments. Sorry I was slow in writing  
back. I was too busy laughing at Mike Farmer's post claiming that  
somebody other than him was making the meteorite world look bad.  
That's a bit like Stalin complaining that there's too much violence.

Anyway, regarding your question. Since our show is still being aired  
on a regular basis, there are no immediate plans to release it on DVD,  
but it is something we hope and expect in the future. And I'm pleased  
to report that there are many other exciting plans for the future of  
the show which will be announced in due course.

Hopefully those who enjoy learning, meteorite science, and adventure  
television shows will continue to watch and enjoy it. Those who prefer  
to sit on their extremely large backsides and libel their betters  
will, doubtless, find some small pleasure in that too.

Cheers and all the best,

Geoff N.

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