[meteorite-list] Jules Verne goes to pieces

bernd.pauli at paulinet.de bernd.pauli at paulinet.de
Tue Sep 30 11:19:38 EDT 2008

Darren wrote:

"You HAVE to watch this reentry video! (Really, if you
don't watch it, I'll hit this button australite with this hammer)


No, please, don't hit your australite button with a hammer to pieces
because we know what you mean! When you watch the re-entry
and complete destruction (or should I say demise?!) of the ATV
(automatic transfer vhicle), you really wonder how our beloved
space travellers - a.k.a meteorites - make it through the atmosphere

Well, after all, we all know that most of the meteoroids' preatmospheric
size is ablated away so that just a few kilograms or sometimes only a few
grams make it to the surface of our home planet.

This video vividly and dramatically demonstrates what happens to our "collectibles"!


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