[meteorite-list] Meteorite Thin Sections and some NWA 1877 Olivine Dioginite micrographs

Mon Sep 29 11:23:16 EDT 2008

Hi List,  As you have heard, Jeff  Krosschell has been selling Adam Hupe's 
inventory.  Jeff and I have become  friends since he first arranged for me to 
borrow the NWA 5000 thin section (the  only one at the time).

He has some thin sections from (at least this is  my understanding) Adam's 
collection.  He will be selling these thin  sections.  We worked out a deal!  I 
will get a chance to ad images of  these thin sections to my Micrograph 
Gallery and he can use my shots to promote  the thin sections.

The first up is NWA 1877 Olivine Dioginite.  This  slide is beautiful.  You 
will not believe the clarity!  When taking  shots at the high magnifications I 
work with, a very good thin section is  required.  This thin section is 
exceptional.  It is polished  (uncovered).

I have some killer shots taken at 160X.  Email me if  you want to see them.  
(Even if you don't want to buy the  slide.)   Let me know if you want the ten 
images embedded in the email  or sent as an attachment.  An attachment is a 
large file but the detail is  worth it.

I am not involved in the selling of these thin sections so you  won't get a 
sales pitch from me, just some great micrographs.  If you are  interested in 
buying the thin section, email Jeff at  jeffkrosschell at comcast.net   I don't 
even know what he is asking on  any of these.

Tom Phillips  

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