[meteorite-list] Carolina Bays

E.P. Grondine epgrondine at yahoo.com
Tue Sep 9 09:07:08 EDT 2008

Hi Darren - 

Thanks for the links to the ongoing Carolina Bays research. Given the radiocarbon dates for them, I tended to think that they were the result of impact megatsunami. In any case they were too controversial for inclusion in my book. 

Ethnographic materials are notoriously difficult to work with, and trying to retrieve history from them has been compared to trying to eat soup with your hands. For example, this last weekend I read a Lenape fossil story, centered around the fossils found at Big Bone Lick. Clearly it was explanatory, rather than proto-historical, IMHO, as the Lenape Holocene Start Impact account is preserved elsewhere and is detailed. But given that, the inclusion of impact by the Lenape in their explanation of the fossils is one of those details...

I hope a good solution for the Willamette problem comes about, one satisfying to all involved. 

E.P. Grondine
Man and Impact in the Americas


E.P. Grondine
Man and Impact in the Americas


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