[meteorite-list] Meteorite sales falling with the stock

John Gwilliam jkgwilliam at gmail.com
Mon Oct 13 13:15:20 EDT 2008

We can point finger in all directions and blame a whole basket full of
politicians, business leaders and everyone and anyone else.  One thing
we need to address ( in my uneducated opinion) is the over spending by
the regular folks on Main street.  It used to be people saved up
enough money until they had a 20% down payment for a house and only
used credit for other items like a vehicle (not two or three) and
education.  These days, many of us citizens make purchases on credit
that we really can't afford.  after all, why do we put "thing" on our
credit cards?  Because we don't have the cash. Optimistically, we
always believe our financial outlook will be brighter in the future
and we'll be able to pay off the credit card quickly.  Sadly, it's
that's usually not the case.

Those of you who are my age (56) or older might remember the "lay
away" plan that many department stores used to have.  You went into
the store every week or two and paid five or tens bucks on an item
they were holding for you.  When you paid for the item in full, they
handed it to you and you had a brand new "thing" - a washer, dryer or
bike for one of your kids.  Nowdays, we put the "thing" on a credit
card and by the time most of us get it paid off the "thing" is worn
out or dead and gone.

It's time for all of us to take a hard look at our spending
habits...along with who we vote into office and how we use our money.

Sure, we're in a big mess.  But if everyone learns from this mistake
we can all be doing better down the road weither it's in one year or
five years.


John Gwilliam

On Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 9:32 AM,  <valparint at aol.com> wrote:
> Hey Captain Blood,
> Is the "Bush fiasco" you refer to the one started by the Democrats with
> their Community Reinvestment Act, aka the Lending Standards Reduction Act,
> or the one caused by the budgets that were passed by Congress, that august
> body that has half the approval rating of the President?
> Paul Swartz
> Hi Michael and all,
>        No, you are not the only one. Aside from some outstanding
> Mali specimens at rock bottom prices (pun intended), my sales
> Are zero since the Bush fiasco has begun.
>        More in the Nov. Meteorite Market Trends....
>        (howsabout others???)
>        Best wishes, Michael [Blood]
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