[meteorite-list] TC3

E.P. Grondine epgrondine at yahoo.com
Tue Oct 7 11:56:02 EDT 2008

Hi all - 

What will NASA do? Lie, to put it in one word. Put out tons of releases about asteroid impacts, while neglecting to mention comet impacts. Consider that the bulk of the impact hazard for the last 13,000 years or so has come from comet fragments, and not asteroids. And those comet fragments are as black as charcoal when they have finished outgassing. 

With the current systems, what are the chances of detecting the next Carbonaceous Chondrite of the Tunguska class before it hits? ZERO, 0, nought out nought, nada, zilch, or very near to it. If anyone here wants to break it down to the lumen, lambert, and bucket level, please do. Maybe it will get a little better with the next detection systems, assuming they get built.

Milani absolutely stated the right reason this particular detection and warning was important: no one mistook it for an explosive weapon. 

E.P. Grondine
Man and Impact in the Americas


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