[meteorite-list] Full size micrograph offer NWA 969 LL7 to print.

Thu Oct 2 12:43:39 EDT 2008

Hi everyone,  I want to share a beautiful  meteorite micrograph.  Once in a 
while one comes along that (at least to  me) seems to have everything, color, 
clarity and interest.

It is taken of  NWA 969 LL7 and the slide belongs to Jeff Krosschell.  For 
you slide  aficionados, I think the slide is for sale but that is not what this 
is  about.  I will send the image in full size.  I recently changed  cameras 
and this image is 3.4 mp so it would make an excellent 8X10 to add to  your 
meteorite room.  My previous work was at 1.1 mp which was a little to  small for 

Finding the right camera has not been an easy  task.  I have tried at least 
20 in the last 6 months.  One of the most  recent tries was the new Nikon 5100 
12.1 mp.  I had high hopes but after  putting it through 3 different 
microscope adapters, I finally accepted I could  not get the results out of it I was 
looking for.  I won't trade quality for  pixel size.  I sent that camera to my 
son who just got stationed in  Hawaii.  He'll have plenty to photograph there!

Anyway,  please  email me for a full size attachment of this image.  

This one is  worth checking out!

Tom Phillips  

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