[meteorite-list] Want Ad - Mooresfort and Something I learned about posting to the list

Mark Grossman markig at westnet.com
Sat Mar 29 21:40:22 EDT 2008


If anybody has a sample of Mooresfort that they would like to sell or
trade - or knows of someone who does - please email me off list.


Mark Grossman

PS - I learned a valuable piece of information over the last two days that
perhaps most of you know about already.  My posts to the lists weren't
getting through, and I emailed Art, and he told me to be sure my email
wasn't being sent in html format.  I checked my email settings, and it
turned out that my emails were being sent in Rich Text Format, and that's
why they weren't getting through.  So, if anybody has trouble with getting
emails posted, first check the email settings.  Hope this message makes it

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