[meteorite-list] AD: Special - NWA 5245 - New Unbrecciated and Chondrule-rich (!) Type-3 Rumurutiite

Martin Altmann altmann at meteorite-martin.de
Wed Mar 26 19:39:37 EDT 2008

Dear collectors,

it’s Special Time again!
For our today’s list-offer, we chose an in our eyes highly interesting
NWA 5245
A Rumurutiite, which isn’t only unequilibrated – but a true
chondrules-wonder and absolutely unbrecciated.

Rumurutiites are an own group very distinct from all other chondrites,
mainly they are much more oxidized and contain less metal for only naming
two differences. Often a lot of sulphides are present, darkening the matrix
and found here and there in shiny troilite grains.

R-chondrites are very rare. If you add the tkws of all Rs listed in the
Bulletin Database, you will end with a mere 28kgs,
therefore Rumurutiites are twice as rare as rocks from Moon!

A characteristic of almost all R-chondrites is, that they are strongly
brecciated and heterolithic. An assemblage of fragments and clasts of
lithologies of various petrological grades – hence they stem from the
regolith and debris layer on the surface of their parent body.
(Btw. a reason, why many Rs got different petrological designation, although
they are paired, because often the fragments were very small and therefore
no decision can be felt, what could be matrix, what could be clast)

Not so NWA 5245.
It is absolutely unbrecciated, with S2 weekly shocked and with its 418 grams
it had an diameter large enough, to see, that one hasn’t hit by chance only
a large clast.

The other unbrecciated R, which comes to our mind, is the most common one,
NWA 753.

But – and the pictures speak for themselves – NWA 5245 isn’t comparable, as
it’s extremely chondrules rich.
The density and the variety of chondrules is overwhelming and because
additionally it seems to have a little bit more metal grains, than usually
found in Rs, one could have taken it for an L3.

A fantastic meteorite:  Unequilibrated Type-3, unbrecciated,
chondrules-rich, a W2 – we think, it’s not exaggerated, if one would say,
that this stone matches closest the most pristine and unchanged material of
the Rumuruti-parent-body.

For everyone being able to participate in this recovery,
we set up in this special a series of small sized slices and an example for
a large one
and priced it at an affordable 25$/g.

(average of all Rs on dealers’ pages, without expensive Ouzina, is about
35$/g and to call NWA 5245 an average R, wouldn’t be appropriate).

Here you are:

Stefan & Martin

Chladni’s Heirs
Munich – Berlin
Fine Meteorites for Science & Collectors


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