[meteorite-list] Meteorite market trends - a critical note

Darren Garrison cynapse at charter.net
Tue Mar 25 15:12:03 EDT 2008

On Tue, 25 Mar 2008 12:10:15 -0500, you wrote:

>Sorry to see there are people out there that want the market to crash. 
>Not very realistic.

Where did I say that the idea was realistic?  Just how I wish things were...

>If they were as common as rocks, I think they would loose quite a bit of 
>their appeal for many. 

Then to heck with those people.  They ARE as common as rocks-- countless
megatons of every type are available-- just a little difficult to access.  I
deeply rue, morn, lament, regret (where did I leave that thesarus) the primitive
state of our colonization of space.  I fundamentally wish that just about anyone
with the urge could rent a spaceship and visit any and all meteorite parent
bodies on the weekend and collect as much asteroidal/lunar/Martian material as
they could carry (intestellar collecting trips would have to wait for longer
vacations).  The inability to do so truly, deeply saddens me, as does the
inability to visit the geological past.  So, yeah, I want pristene
extraterrestrial material on Earth to be as cheap and common as a chunk of
granite or limestone or quartz that you'd pick up in your front yard (depending
on where you live).  For the people that collect them because of "rarity" and
how much they can sell them for, let them stick with pokemon, pogs, and Beanie

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