[meteorite-list] Alcohol, meteorite-related, and a bit more...

Alexander Seidel gsac at gmx.net
Fri Mar 7 16:21:55 EST 2008

No problem about what to get here and there and everywhere...

U.S.:    [x] guns and weapons
         [ ] high percentage alcohol (..meteorite-related, of course :-))
         [ ] pornography 
         [x] bigotry
         [x] death penalty
         [x] cheap gas, big fridges, low energy cost....
         [x] you have to wait to be seated in restaurants
         [ ] affordable health system
         [ ] comparably strong trade unions
         [ ] comparably good dismissal protection
         [x] easy tax system, favoring private enterprise
         [ ] "good" politicians, far-sighted
         [x] comparably low postage rates and fees
         [x] many meteorites, preferably from RENOWNED dealers!!

Germany: [ ] guns and weapons
         [x] high percentage alcohol (..meteorite-related, of course :-))
         [x] pornography
         [x?]...we´re generelly not *that* religious a society...
         [ ] death penalty
         [ ] cheap gas, big fridges, low energy cost....
         [ ] you have to wait to be seated in restaurants
         [x?]...not so sure, still good, but steeply increasing costs...
         [x] comparably strong trade unions
         [x] comparably good dismissal protection
         [ ] easy tax system (well, in fact, just the opposite is true!)
         [ ] "good" politicians, far sighted
         [ ] comparably low postage rates and fees
         [x] many meteorites, preferably from RENOWNED dealers!! 

Well, of course this was meant as nothing but an on-topic message on postage rates and meteorites alone, with just a tiny little bit of deviation... :-)


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