[meteorite-list] email adress Hans Koser - paper on the Ziz meteorite (NWA 854)

Svend Buhl - Meteorite-Recon.com info at niger-meteorite-recon.de
Mon Jul 21 03:13:12 EDT 2008

Dear list,

may someone know, how our friend Hans Koser can be reached best? It seems his netgate.com.uy email adress isn't working properly. 

Besides I have been trying to locate the following paper on the Ziz iron meteorite: Horejsi, M.; Cilz, M.: "From the Strewnfields: The Irons of Ziz: When Beauty is More than Skin Deep. In: Meteorite, Vol. 7, p. 13 (2001). Unfortunately the article is not available through the NASA astronomy abstract service. Maybe someone would be willing to provide a scan or pdf?

Thanks for your efforts




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