[meteorite-list] My first contact

Darren Garrison cynapse at charter.net
Wed Jul 9 14:37:51 EDT 2008

On Wed, 9 Jul 2008 14:17:19 EDT, you wrote:

>Am I here?

That is a question men have been asking for all the ages.  Am I here?  Some say
that we are the dream God dreams.  If the dreamer awakes, do we continue to
exist?  Or maybe I am the dreamer, and all other people are just a figment of my
feavered imagination-- if that be the case, you are not there.  Of course, if
you are there, you may feel the same about all of us-- and this reply, the
meteorite list, the universe itself is just an illusion brought about by the
madding solitude of an ageless deity, a lone voice crying in the wilderness,
seeking compainonship from the echoes of his own voice.

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