[meteorite-list] Tunguska

E.P. Grondine epgrondine at yahoo.com
Sat Jul 5 23:21:54 EDT 2008

Hi Sterling, all - 

Since you have an answer immediately at hand:

"Here's the "tree particle" resin-trapped cosmic dust
argument, for what it's worth:

why muddy the waters, except for entertainment purposes? The embedded particles have been further analyzed, shown to be cometary, and the path has been traced, of what appears to be one of the final chunks of Comet Encke to hit.

Of course, after reading David Brin's "Earth", one would hold out hope for a mini-black hole sent by aliens. But then that work is science fiction. And one could always hope that those aliens will send a nice pallasite plumping into their backyard, but its probably better to have cash in hand.

E.P. Grondine
Man and Impact in the Americas


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