[meteorite-list] Ensisheim: What is the TRUE FALL DATE??

Philippe Thomas thomasmeteorites at wanadoo.fr
Wed Feb 6 04:09:26 EST 2008

Hi Don,

The fall of Ensisheim took place on November 7th, 1492. In 1582, the pope Grégoire XIII, noticing the gap (the Julian calendar adopted in the year 45 before Christ contains 365 days 1/4. 
The tropic year have 365,2422 days, the annual gap is of 0,0078 days, that is of 3,12 days every four centuries.) which gets bigger years after years between the date of Easter and the 
spring solstice, decides to reform the Julian calendar to align itself with the astronomical reality. He thus proceeds to the deletion of ten days in the year and reforms the system of 
bissextile years by saying that will be bissextile only the divisible years by 400. Since this time there, the year corresponds has 365,2425 days, what pulls a gap of 0,0003 day with regard 
to tropic year, that is 3 days every 10000 years. The adoption of this new Gregorian calendar varies according to countries: the catholic countries quickly adopted it because the order 
emanated from the Church but certain countries conformed to it only late as, for example, Great Britain in 1752, China in 1912 or Greece in 1923.

Best wishes,

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