[meteorite-list] Tucson: The Birthday Bash Rides Again

Notkin geoking at notkin.net
Fri Feb 1 02:16:41 EST 2008

Dear Tucson Show Attendees:

Steve Arnold and Geoff Notkin invite you to:


Friday, February 8, 2008
7 pm cocktails
7:30 pm buffet
9 pm Harvey Awards

Steve and I don't much like being stuck in a rut, so everything about 
the Birthday Bash will be different this year. We're tired of cramming 
ourselves into restaurants run by grumpy managers, and the club we used 
last year has been turned into student housing -- nothing to do with us 
  : )

By very kind invitation of my dear friend Lisa Morrison, the 2008 party 
will be held at her lovely residence in downtown Tucson. Many of you 
already know Lisa as the owner of Sirocco Design of Tucson. She is a 
talented silversmith, and the staff writer for the "Tucson EZ-Guide." 
She also really knows how to throw a party.

The event will be catered by Martin's Comida Chingona a hip Mexican 
restaurant on Fourth Avenue. This will be an informal event, but please 
do dress up if you like. You know Steve always does! We'll have a keg 
and a bar, and we also invite you to please bring your own. These 
events end up costing us quite a few bucks, so we will be asking for a 
voluntary $5 donation at the door, for those who feel like contributing 
to the catering.

Lisa owns a large old-style Tucson home, and there will be an outdoor 
smoking area, patio, fire pit, and good times. All members of the 
meteorite community and all staff and advertisers with the "Tucson 
EZ-Guide" and their friends are most welcome to attend. Don't be shy. 
If you are a first-time to the Tucson show, please feel *especially* 
welcome. We are not a clique, we like to meet new people  : )


Please see me anytime from Feb. 2 in Room 230 at the InnSuites for a 
map and directions. Lisa's house is less than ten minutes from the 
hotel. A very easy trip.

If that doesn't work for you, please email me off-List for directions. 
Out of respect for Lisa's privacy I will not be posting her address, 
phone number, or bank account details to the M-List.

See you there,

Geoff N.

Tucson '08 Party Central

p.s.  We will make sure nobody gets locked outside this year!

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