[meteorite-list] Carancas

michael cottingham mikewren at gilanet.com
Thu Oct 4 14:28:25 EDT 2007


By the way... welcome back and I am happy to see that all (3) of you made it
back safe and sound. I am very happy to hear that you are alright and at
home. I don't think people really know how "iffy" and dangerous meteorite
hunting really can be and what situations are likely to arise while in the
field, especially in areas where you might have corrupted officials lurking

I applaud your extra efforts in bringing justice to that area and maybe the
villagers will actually be better off in that area, after those corrupt
police and officials are exposed.

Tourism is big bucks in Peru these days, and especially American Dollars, so
it really is in the best interest of a lot of "economic" reasons that these
police officials, and others are given what they deserve. Maybe a lot of
folks will be better off after all of this...

Best Wishes 

Michael Cottingham

-----Original Message-----
From: meteorite-list-bounces at meteoritecentral.com
[mailto:meteorite-list-bounces at meteoritecentral.com] On Behalf Of Michael
Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2007 12:15 PM
To: E.P. Grondine; meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Carancas

I had three people in my party, so how they reported 5
Americans is beyond me. It shows the lack in
information that they use in Peru to print the news.
I have been on the phone for hours with the press in
Peru, and the embassy, and I have a funny feeling that
this will get much nastier now, that I have denounced
the police and Randall and forwarded his emails to the
press in Peru! 
This should be fun, especially the report of Randall
that he bought a 4 kilo stone from the chief of
police, the same one who came to arrest me for
"trafficking" meteorites. I guess his own sales were
ok, but not my purchases from him:)
I think the police in that town are about to be in a
little trouble, as the Peruvian press is loving to
hear my side of the story, with emails to prove it!

I speak fluent Spanish, I guess Randall did not know
this. Too bad for him.
Michael Farmer

By the way, I did not pay bribes, I paid EXTORTION
money, and I assure you that if you were in our shoes,
you would pay when extorted, of course I played dumb
and paid them little, and got out of there. 

--- "E.P. Grondine" <epgrondine at yahoo.com> wrote:

> Hi Robert, all - 
> At least the newspaper got it right - "5" meteorite
> traficantes - Farmer had 3 in his party, so you were
> in the company of someone else.
> And yes, la mordida is a bane, of which you have
> mastery.  There is one thing that can be said for
> Farmer, at least he openly reported his bribes - you
> haven't.
> Others here have pointed out that you ripped off the
> locals by preying on their ignorance of the market
> and
> offering them low prices.
> In Canada, this kind of thing would not happen
> because
> of the laws there. On the other hand, a lot of Moss
> Lake was lost.
> The question here is did you enter into a contract
> with the land owner, and if so when?  Did the land
> owner allow others to collect on his land?  The
> money
> from the sales of the pieces that the police seized
> from the finders must either be given to them or to
> the land owners. But there is a fat chance of that
> happening.
> So how about a list of who bought what from whom
> when
> you go to catalog? Say "Oficer Jose" or "Mayor
> Jorge"?
> Robert, you're being just plain nasty here. Please
> stop insulting Farmer, and please stop using a false
> name and false title. 
> E.P. Grondine
> Man and Impact in the Americas 
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