[meteorite-list] Heidelbergensis-Zhamanshin dates

E.P. Grondine epgrondine at yahoo.com
Sat Nov 17 12:51:18 EST 2007

Hi Andy - 

"So please explain how your theory can be true and
please let me know where you mentioned it's just your

page 22
"about 1 million years ago" - and that's the only
mention of the exact date for Z., which of course is
900,000, which I got from the Canadian Catalog, as you
did. Which reminds me of the lack of funding of the
MPC - the Canadian geologists had their funding
interupted for a few years.

"Homo Heidelbergensis, whose fossils have been found
as of today in Europe, East Asia, and Africa.  Given
all of this, I have little doubt that the Homo
Heidlebergensis (nee erectus) will be found in Central
Asia when excavations begin there."

Well, let's see - you have a widely dispersed homonid,
with exceedingly limited fossil samples, and the
suceeding homonids.  It took time for these homonids
to spread, and their successors had to evolve from
something. "I have no doubt" is about as much a
statement of theory as was possible, given the scope
at hand.

Of course, there are some people who have most
insistently and publicly screamed at me that the
people were here with dinosaurs. They insist they were
put here by the Creator.

And again, try to sort this out in a few words as
possible for the general reader while the
anthropologists fight bitterly among themselves over
taxonomy, not only of homonids, but of lithics and

E.P. Grondine
Man and Impact in the Americas

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