[meteorite-list] Andi's AD

E.P. Grondine epgrondine at yahoo.com
Sat Nov 17 02:32:43 EST 2007

Hi all - 

I have re-read Andy's message, and can't understand it
other than as an intentional misquote of my book. No
where do I argue that mounds are impact by products.

As far as a refund to Andy goes, what I prefer is that
he donate my book to a local library, preferably a
university library.  Do that, send me the donation
letter, and your money is refunded, Andy. 

Since others have raised this point, doesn't Andy's
signature line constitute an AD, by some peoples
definitionof AD?:

info at meteoritenhaus.de
Inhaber Andreas Gren
Stapelfelder Str. 58
22143 Hamburg
Umsatzsteuer-Identifikations-Nummer: folgt

E.P. Grondine
Man and Impact in the Americas

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