[meteorite-list] Rosetta Earth Swing-By A Success

Ron Baalke baalke at zagami.jpl.nasa.gov
Tue Nov 13 17:39:14 EST 2007


Rosetta swing-by a success
European Space Agency 
13 November 2007

An important milestone has just been accomplished as Rosetta
successfully swung by Earth at 21:57 CET. The spacecraft will now be
catapulted towards the outer Solar System with its newly-gained energy
before coming back to Earth for another boost.
As mission operators waited for the fully automated manoeuvre to be
carried out, Rosetta flew directly above 63° 46’ south and 74° 35’ west,
at 21:57 CET (above the Pacific ocean, south-west of Chile). Rosetta
whizzed past 5295 km overhead, at a velocity of 45 000 km/h (12.5 km/s).

Europe's comet chaser has now flown a little over 3 thousand million km
of its 7.1 thousand-million-km journey on its way to its destination
comet 67/P Churyumov-Gerasimenko. This was the third planetary swing-by
for Rosetta and its second swing-by of Earth.

Science close to Earth
Around closest approach, Rosetta took a good look at Earth for
observations of its atmosphere and magnetosphere, imaged urban regions,
and looked for meteors from space. Shortly before midnight, Rosetta will
turn to observe the Moon until about 11:00 CET tomorrow, 14 November.
Following this, on 15, 16, 18 and 20 November, Rosetta will observe the
Earth-Moon system from a distance, on its outbound trajectory.

Scientists are now eagerly awaiting some of the first data to become
available during the course of the night.

Rosetta will be back in our neighbourhood, and will swing by Earth for
the last time in November 2009. But before that, as it crosses the
asteroid belt, Rosetta will grab the opportunity to study asteroid
Steins during a fly-by in September 2008.

Tune in early tomorrow morning: we will be publishing pictures and
results as soon as they become available, throughout the day on 14 November.
For more information:
Gerhard Schwehm, ESA Rosetta Mission Manager
Email: Gerhard.Schwehm @ esa.int

Andrea Accomazzo, ESA Rosetta Spacecraft Operations Manager
Email: Andrea.Accomazzo @ esa.int

Rita Schulz, ESA Rosetta Project Scientist
Email: Rita.Schulz @ esa.int

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