[meteorite-list] Seven Plagues and Killer Meteorites

E.P. Grondine epgrondine at yahoo.com
Tue Jun 19 13:38:37 EDT 2007

Hi Darren - 

You are quite right to question Old Testament
materials, and any interpretation done of them.
Given the relationship between the Old Testament and
Israeli nationalism, a lot of the recent work in the
area on the middle bronze age has been pretty bad. 
Most of the archaeologists working in the region have
been engaged in what may be called a "warm" debate.

One of my notes to the Cambridge Conference on the
Joshua impact event from several years back may be
found at:


(I hope that URL is correct - I can not cut and past
on this machine.)

What I used there is hard evidence. I cited
contemporaneous documents and their related sites and
artifacts are cited. 

In my opinion, the materials found in the book of
Joshua may only be commented on in that context.
Anything else is spurious. 

To do otherwise would be like trying to understand
Native American "traditions" (oral histories) without
refering to the physical record.

good hunting,
E.P. Grondine
Man and Impact in the Americas

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