[meteorite-list] Seven Plagues and Killer Meteorites

Darren Garrison cynapse at charter.net
Sun Jun 17 19:29:46 EDT 2007

On Sun, 17 Jun 2007 15:51:25 -0700, you wrote:

>Well said, Chris.  It's amazing how the Meteorite List is *only for 
>discussing meteorites*.....except when the urge to bash other people's 
>religious beliefs becomes too overwhelming.  Then it is *perfectly 
>acceptable* to depart from the topic of meteorites.  Absolutely amazing.

When someone brings up a claim that a religious document IS EVIDENCE OF A
METEORITE OR COMET STRIKE it is NOT off-topic and NOT "bashing" to question the
historical accuracy of that religious document.  If the subject was, say, the
new fall in Spain, then jumping in and saying that the bible may be historically
inaccurate would be off-topic bashing.  BUT WHEN THE TOPIC IS BIBLICAL ACCOUNTS
OF METEORITE OR COMET STRIKES questioning the historical reliability of the
account is reasonable and on-topic.  (Although I'm going to drop the topic now,
as some people are so thin-skined that they find any back and forth debate or
disagreement with them to be "bullying").

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