[meteorite-list] Seven Plagues and Killer Meteorites

Darren Garrison cynapse at charter.net
Sun Jun 17 13:45:36 EDT 2007

On Sun, 17 Jun 2007 10:13:22 -0700 (PDT), you wrote:

>The seven plagues were likely caused by a release of
>caustic water from a source lake for the Nile River. 

Oh, and this.  The sevep plagues are likely a fairy tale made up to make a good
story to tell of the escape from Egypt (which itself may or may not be a myth).
Just like all the other old fairy tales that you believe are oral accounts of
things that happened tens of thousands of years ago, even though languages
themselves-- even written languages-- aren't stable over even a few hundred
years.  There probably isn't one single word in any Native American language
that is unchanged from the first migrations into the US-- and you REALLY believe
that oral history will survive thousands of years?  Seriously?  Not a joke?

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