[meteorite-list] Sky detonation video

GeoZay at aol.com GeoZay at aol.com
Tue Jun 12 13:58:04 EDT 2007

>>While there are several reasonable explanations for what this  video 
shows (I think it's probably a high altitude balloon rupturing),  ...<<
As I think more about it, I don't think it's a very high altitude  
balloon...but rather relatively close and thus not too big. I agree that it's  probably 
a balloon of some kind. The reasoning, after it burst, the remnants  fell 
fairly quickly...just like gravity would allow if it was something  relatively 
close...like maybe no further than 1/4 to 1/2 mile. If it  was several miles or 
more away, I don't think we would notice the  sudden drop all that much. 
George Zay

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