[meteorite-list] impact pits & latest Ensisheim news

Matthias Bärmann majbaermann at web.de
Tue Jun 12 11:54:48 EDT 2007

Hi Zelimir,

thanks for all the information. Our Arabian friends would call you "The 
Mother of all Organization" for honor, I guess ;-)

And what's about the little meteorite-made hole in the ISS? Offered at Ebay 
for long? Yet it didn't cause any harm to anyone.



----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Zelimir Gabelica" <Zelimir.Gabelica at uha.fr>
To: "Martin Altmann" <altmann at meteorite-martin.de>; 
<meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com>
Cc: "Jean-Marie Blosser" <jm.blosser at free.fr>; "dominique Velut" 
<dominique.velut at free.fr>; <ADEVILLIERS at assedic.unedic.fr>
Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2007 5:40 PM
Subject: [meteorite-list] impact pits & latest Ensisheim news

Hi Martin,

This reminds me that surrealistic joke of a truck transporting a
hole...Upon sloping up a road, suddenly the hole slided down from the rear
of the truck on the road. The driver, realizing he lost the hole, backed
the truck down the road in search for the lost hole so the truck
eventually....felt into the hole...
Pfffff! (hey Martin, you are the one who started teasing with your
provocative "hole story"...)
The joke does not precise whether the hole was generated upon a meteorite
impact nor whether the driver was some...impact pit collector!

More seriously, some latest Ensisheim news.

1) Dinner-party:
In principle, please stop reserving for the Friday dinner-party. They can
not accomodate more than 80-85 people and, so far, we are...86.
But you can try as some withdrawals are always possible. Though, you risk
being placed in the cellar (with, then, probably more wine but less fun)
The menu (25 euro) is based on fish (appetizer), duck (main dish), hot-cold
fresh fruit (strawberries...) (desert).
NB: I have one vegetarian menu reserved. If there are more, please let me
know very rapidly.

2) Exhibit:
Besides Alain Carion's newly described French meteorite (fall of 1799 but
very recent find!) a brand new Belgian fall will be also brought by Vincent
Jacques for exhibit. Along with a 60+ kg of freshly discovered Mont Dieu
iron and an equivalent slice (in size), coming from Brussels NH Museum.
Alain regrets not beaing able to visit Ensisheim in person. You could meet
him at Ste Marie show the following week.

3) Weather:
Not the best news but it can be worse.
Friday in Mulhouse: 25°C & thunderstorms (we have them here since 10
days...just one more right now). Saturday & Sunday: 22°C and (scattered ?)
showers. Note these are max temperatures. Take a pull for the party,
especially if you stay (outside) until the early Saturday hours.
Friday & Saturday in Colmar: 27°C and thunderstorms (especially Friday
evening). Sunday: 25°C and sunny, partly cloudy.
Let's hope Colmar weather will predominate so that, for the party, we can
stay outside (hot weather) and protected (storms).

4) Dealers:
Bruno & Carine are there only on Saturday.
Their table will be taken by Erich and Sylvia Haiderer, who can come only
on Sunday.
Pierre-Marie Pelé has reserved the last table.
Slawek and Monika Derecki (from Poland) have confirmed.
Serge Afanasiev will arrange to send some stuff through Dima Sadilenko and
Sergey Petukhov. Slava Skorniakov is the other guest from Russia (I
arbitrary gave a special status to our friend Sergey Vassiliev as "Russian
from Prague". He will show up, as usually, with Moritz).

5) Consignment room. 12 pople have required space to propose for sale their
stuff. I am affraid I can't accept much more people. But as always, if you
realy insist, you can count on my legendary flexibility. It's often a must
to solve many last minute problems and sometimes provide miracles (I have
learned that in Italy with international congress organizers).

5) Sunday:
Many children, mostly those who realized the nice drawings related to the
theme, are invited to visit the show (and receive their award). If you have
nice small modestly priced meteorites for them, Sunday can be your day.
Thanks for them!

Enjoy the days to come!


A 00:18 12/06/2007 +0200, Martin Altmann a écrit :
>Not I was asking the question,
>Andi was - I was only forwarding on his behalf.
>...I could organize some cow-brain, if you want to frame it in a riker with
>your Valera...
>If I had a hammer lalalala lala la laah.
>Other question, would somebody buy impact pits?
>I remember, that the finders of Neuschwanstein-2, dug around and under the
>impact pit, and transported the whole pit in a piece of ground down from 
>My English is leaving me...how to describe the excavation of a hole???? I
>mean the hole existed, the dug and extracted the hole....
>Arrrgh, I better stop.

Prof. Zelimir Gabelica
Université de Haute Alsace
3, Rue A. Werner,
F-68093 Mulhouse Cedex, France
Tel: +33 (0)3 89 33 68 94
Fax: +33 (0)3 89 33 68 15

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