[meteorite-list] Global Warming - Scientifically proven or afarce

LITIG8NSHARK at aol.com LITIG8NSHARK at aol.com
Mon Jun 11 21:03:19 EDT 2007

Good evening Folks,

Not wanting to intentionally stir the "pot of angst", I won't share my 
opinions regarding the validity of the global warming theory......in great part 
because it conflicts with the beliefs of roughly half of the List and, arguably, 
neither extreme (entirely pro or con) position is capable of clear and 
convincing scientific proof at this stage.  And also, because, in greater part, I will 
admit that I am truly uncertain which argument has greater credibility.

I would submit two widely held, and generally accepted, scientific theorems 
to consider before taking sides in this debate:
1.  Entropy
2.  Perpetual Motion

Best regards,

Paul Martyn
Savannah GA

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