[meteorite-list] 7 plagues

Darryl Pitt darryl at dof3.com
Mon Jun 11 20:27:10 EDT 2007


it's ten plagues--not seven; burning ice (nice touch) would have made  
it eleven.

On Jun 11, 2007, at 5:45 PM, Michael L Blood wrote:

> on 6/11/07 2:11 PM, Allan Treiman at treiman at lpi.usra.edu wrote:
>> Burning ice??? Is that in the Bible?
> -----
> One of the 7 plagues of Egypt - Moses was one of those
> "by any means necessary" dudes. They were being held
> as slaves, you know.
> Lets see, they had:
> frogs
> grasshoppers
> Nile turned red
> Rained burning ice &  couple of others, including
> the cincher, which was the death of the first born son of
> every house - which is the basis of "Passover,"
> when the Jews painted their doors with the blood
> of a lamb to insure protection from same. I can understand
> if you didn't read the book, but didn't you see the movie?!!
> They show it on TV every Easter.
>         Michael
>> Could they have found some methane clathrate?
>>   aht
>> Allan Treiman
>> Lunar and Planetary Institute
>> 3600 Bay Area Boulevard
>> Houston TX 77058 USA
>> 281-486-2117
>> treiman at lpi.usra.edu
>> On Jun 11, 2007, at 3:41 PM, Michael L Blood wrote:
>>> Hi Martin,
>>>         Actually, many meteorites are reported to have killed
>>> people....
>>> but none I know of that are available or close to having a solid
>>> provenience. One was discussed at length on the list just a couple
>>> of months ago - some Roman officer and a bunch of his men. I
>>> believe the Bible has more than one incident reported as well.
>>> Hell, I would like to have one of the frogs in formaldehyde from
>>> the 7 plagues of Egypt, not to mention the burning ice.
>>>         A documented KILLER meteorite? I would buy all I could!
>>>         (By the way, Dr. Deits, one of the first to propose
>>> "continental
>>> drift" in the early 1900s was quoted as saying he wanted to die
>>> being struck by a meteorite, then fossilized and recovered by future
>>> generations).
>>>         Best wishes, Michael
>>> on 6/11/07 1:09 PM, Martin Altmann at altmann at meteorite-martin.de
>>> wrote:
>>>> Forwarded from Andi Gren, who doesn't come through neither
>>>> (well Andi, at least I would pay a good price for that L6, if it
>>>> will hit a
>>>> certain person in Illinois...just a joke):
>>>> Hi Tim , List , all involved in this interesting treat,
>>>> Your suggestion about the Asteroid wiping out half of the planet
>>>> and then be
>>>> sold on e bay brings me back to Meteorites.
>>>> When I have seen the first time a picture from the Lady hit by the
>>>> Sylacauga Meteorite, I was happy to know it's not reported a
>>>> Meteorite ever
>>>> kills a person. It makes our hobby in some way more peaceful. But
>>>> I always
>>>> asking my self what would happen if a Meteorite would kill a
>>>> person? The
>>>> Hammers and Cow killers are well paid and I know Sylacauga was
>>>> very very
>>>> well paid at a meteorite auction this year at the Tucson show.
>>>> So would the Meteorite be the most expensive L6 ever been sold?
>>>> Ore would
>>>> nobody like to own a slice of a human killer hammer? Ok, I'm sure
>>>> everybody
>>>> would agree an impact kit is out of respect, but what's about the
>>>> Meteorite,
>>>> who would like to own a human killer Hammer?
>>>> best greetings
>>>> Andi
>>>> We are a society that starves our grandchildren to feed our  
>>>> children.
>>>> All the signs are there to prove that Mother Earth cannot take
>>>> anymore of
>>>> the pollution and the destruction we throw at her.
>>>> We are seeing increasing numbers of Tsunami's, Volcanic  
>>>> eruptions and
>>>> Earthquakes even here in England we are experiencing this.
>>>> One really sad thing I see is one day an Asteroid comes and hits
>>>> us and
>>>> wipes out half the planet I see unfortunately some humans would
>>>> try and
>>>> drag the remnants of it away and attempt to sell it on Ebay
>>>> because cash
>>>> is all that is worshipped.
>>>>> Mike,
>>>>> Look at the positive side of this for our hobby and business...
>>>>> With Global Warming (that some doubt) the Arctic will have less  
>>>>> ice,
>>>>> and our grass and farmlands lands will become deserts.  Just  
>>>>> imagine
>>>>> all the new meteorites that will become exposed and available  
>>>>> to us
>>>>> collectors.
>>>>> And the prices will go down, too.
>>>>> But all of these benefits will be far outweighed by the economic
>>>>> impact
>>>>> of Global Warming that the Republican "Bushites" doubt.  A natural
>>>>> cycle, some say, but look at the ice in the Arctic that
>>>>> environmental
>>>>> scientists are coring.  It certainly shows a vastly greater
>>>>> increase in
>>>>> carbon dioxide emissions over the last 150 years that corresponds
>>>>> directly to human activity during our Industrial Revolution.  The
>>>>> greatest increase in 900,000 years.  And just think, 600,000
>>>>> years ago
>>>>> Yellowstone caldera supervolcano erupted, a brief yet catastrophic
>>>>> event for the entire earth.  It's overall impact was small
>>>>> compared to
>>>>> what we are doing now.
>>>>> But back to meteorites...   The prices will drop as more are
>>>>> found due
>>>>> to the melting of Arctic ice, desertfication of our grass and
>>>>> farmlands... But the question is... Who will buy them once the
>>>>> economic
>>>>> crunch of Global Warming hits our pocket books?
>>>>> Steve Schoner
>>>>> IMCA #4470
>>>>> -- Michael Farmer <meteoriteguy at yahoo.com> wrote:
>>>>> Steve, not likely in our lifetimes, the money that
>>>>> could have been spent going back to the moon, building
>>>>> a permant base, then going to Mars, all of it could
>>>>> have been done with the money we have pissed away in
>>>>> Iraq. But hey, look at it this way, Haliburton moved
>>>>> to Dubai to be closer to the money, they are taking
>>>>> good care of it for us, the taxpayers.
>>>>> Enough of things that do not pertain to meteorites
>>>>> though, we have all had our say and I will leave this
>>>>> topic since I have a meteorite show to attend and then
>>>>> meteorites to dig up in the Arctic.
>>>>> Michael Farmer
>>>>> --- Steve Schoner <schoner at mybluelight.com> wrote:
>>>>>> So true Mike Farmer.  That is the problem with our
>>>>>> age.  We want
>>>>>> everything never taking into consideration what we
>>>>>> leave those that
>>>>>> follow us after we are dead and gone.
>>>>>> They will curse us or thank us for what we do now.
>>>>>> But to do nothing about global warming now, which is
>>>>>> a scientifically
>>>>>> proven fact, pretty much leaves them with a ruined
>>>>>> world and a curse
>>>>>> for us.
>>>>>> (Maybe by then they will have left this planet to
>>>>>> terraform Mars, and
>>>>>> mine asteroids (parent bodies of the meteorites we
>>>>>> love) for their
>>>>>> resources, all the while looking out into space or
>>>>>> up into a Martian
>>>>>> sky at a bright star that was the world we ruined.)
>>>>>> Steve Schoner.
>>>>>> #4470
>>>>>> [meteorite-list] Global Warming - Scientifically
>>>>>> proven or a farce
>>>>>> Michael Farmer meteoriteguy at yahoo.com
>>>>>> Sun Jun 10 13:25:59 EDT 2007
>>>>>>     * Previous message: [meteorite-list] Global
>>>>>> Warming -
>>>>>> Scientifically proven or a farce
>>>>>>     * Next message: [meteorite-list] Global Warming
>>>>>> - Scientifically
>>>>>> proven or a farce
>>>>>>     * Messages sorted by: [ date ] [ thread ] [
>>>>>> subject ] [ author ]
>>>>>> Paul, ok, lest say you are the proud winner of that
>>>>>> bet! Bush got his way, America refused to do it's
>>>>>> part
>>>>>> and the oceans only raise 4 feet in the next 10
>>>>>> years.
>>>>>> I guess you had better go to Florida/New York
>>>>>> City/Boston, most of the Gulf Coast, and well, most
>>>>>> of
>>>>>> the Island nations in the Pacific. They will be
>>>>>> gone,
>>>>>> good job! Oh, and the Billionairs on Long Island and
>>>>>> Cape Cod had better sell their homes now, since a 4
>>>>>> foot rise in sealevel will wash them all away. What
>>>>>> will Dubya do without the family compound in
>>>>>> Kennebunkport?
>>>>>> I lived in Key West Florida. The highest point of
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> island is 6 feet. Most of the island is less than 3
>>>>>> feet above sea level, as is a very large part of
>>>>>> Florida. Kiss it goodbye, and trillions of $$$ of
>>>>>> land, homes, and a huge part of our nation.
>>>>>> Does that make it ok to ignore the melting glaciers,
>>>>>> ok to do what we are doing now and not even bother
>>>>>> making changes? That is SICK!
>>>>>> Unfortunately that is the mentality of a huge part
>>>>>> of
>>>>>> our nation today, all about me, my money, and today,
>>>>>> screw tomorrow, and I gues screw our children, and
>>>>>> grandchildren, they can learn to live in the crappy
>>>>>> world we created today to get "ours" right?
>>>>>> My kids (If I ever have any) will likely never see a
>>>>>> glacier in Switzerland, a Polar bear in northern
>>>>>> Canada, or a white Greenland. It is all going away.
>>>>>> sort of makes me not want to have kids, so they will
>>>>>> not have to suffer for our mistakes.
>>>>>> Michael Farmer
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>>> If You Want a Nation Ruled By Religion, Move to Iran
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>>> Success is not counted by how high you have climbed but by how
>>> many people you brought with you.  – Anonymous
>>> -- 
>>> I have given two cousins to war and I stand
>>> ready to sacrifice my wife's brother.
>>>          Artemus Ward
>>> --
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> --
> If You Want a Nation Ruled By Religion, Move to Iran
> --
> Success is not counted by how high you have climbed but by how
> many people you brought with you.  – Anonymous
> -- 
> I have given two cousins to war and I stand
> ready to sacrifice my wife's brother.
>          Artemus Ward
> --
> --
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