[meteorite-list] S. Utah

Robin Galyan robin_707a at ifiles.com
Tue Jun 5 16:28:41 EDT 2007

 Thanks guys for the suggestions on the S. Utah region for hunting.   As all 
figured,  we didnt find what we had hoped, but did get several hundred miles 
of ATV-ing in,  and saw some absolutely beautiful country.  Wow,  really 
nice to get out and see it up close!

I thought perhaps those large areas of greyish dried mud would be similar to 
dry lake beds.    Not so,  at least I dont think.

I didnt get any beeps from deep at all, but can really only see down about a 
foot + ...    and the surface stuff that I found,  black and magnetic,  well 
shucks,  I cant tell what they are.    They dont look anything like what I 
have collected or seen before,   and there were so many of them that I 
suspect it was NOT anything collectable.  I snagged a couple just to remind 
me of how they looked.   If I get ambitious I will shove some photo's so you 
can peruse and advise.

Anyhow,  one more mission down,   now gonna see where to try next.

Robin Galyan
The old PebblePup ?

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