[meteorite-list] GPS [AD]

Mark Crawford mark at annasach.net
Wed Jul 11 17:48:55 EDT 2007


I really hoped to avoid discussing this on-list, and have already 
replied privately to Jim.  However, since you appear question both my 
intelligence and my integrity:

- I'm happy to make clear that the material I have listed cannot be 
stated as being from the same source as "your" NWA 4766 and the other 
two LP.  By "source" I mean dealer, nomad, market or wherever the stones 
were procured.  I have no public view on whether or not they are all the 
same fall. Whatever.

- Selling strategies - I'll agree not to tell you how to price and 
market your goods, if you agree to reciprocate the favour.

- I'm very clear, and happy, about the provenance of my material.  I'm 
delighted that your specimens are much larger than mine.  I hope they 
give you as much pleasure as I derive from my own.

With best wishes,

Martin Altmann wrote:

>And I really doubt whether he knows the source of our NWA 4766.
>...and even more doubts I have, whether that selling strategy will work,
>to tell that that material has sold at 1500$/g and to price it at 5000$/g 
>I hope the seller has more of the material - the crumbs are so tiny, that at
>least I for myself, if I had only such sized specimens, certainly wouldn't
>dare, to judge, whether they could be paired to another stone.. you Jim?

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